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Do you know how we work?

Create your personal or business profile and activate your account.

Add your devices and appliances in My Devices repository. Upload device information like Serial No or IMEI No, device name, product, model, brand etc.,

Navigate to My Devices and Choose your device and place the service orders. Select your order like Instant repair, Warranty claim , Insurance claim, Installation service and Protection plans.

Navigate to Manage Orders to see the order assignment to servicer, approval status, invoicing and current status.

Make payment based on B2B (order placed by OEMs and Insurance companies) & B2C (order placed by customer) transactions.

Navigate to Buy protection section to purchase a ADLD, Extended Warranty & Infinity Protection Plans.

Use the Sevicer search feature to locate and interact with servicer in your locality.

You can view the Device Maintenance through our analytics feature.

Use Bigcash to place an order or buy a protection plans which is act as a Wallet where to receive incentives.

Designed by Bigapps